Andreu Manteniment Industrial signs the collaboration agreement with Mans Unides

Andreu Manteniment Industrial signa el conveni de col·laboració amb Mans Unides

Andreu Manteniment Industrial signs the collaboration agreement with Mans Unides

ANDREU MANTENIMENT INDUSTRIAL SL signed a collaboration agreement with Manos Unides to help finance a development project in Angola.


The project called "Improving access to drinking water and hygienic and sanitary conditions in a primary school in Kangandala, Angola", aims to give 1,005 students and 27 teachers access to sufficient and safe health services.

This project helps the goal number 6 and number 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals, "Guarantee the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all" and "Health and Well-being".

Boys and girls are forced to act like little adults, carrying water and firewood, working in the fields and looking after younger siblings. Due to the increase in students at the school, which went from the initial 230 to the current 1,005 students, the project to improve and expand the facilities becomes necessary.

The project consists of building 8 new toilets, replacement of pipes, 2 water tanks of 10,000 liters each and Hygiene, Health and Environment Programs.


fromAndrew Industrial Maintenance, we are very happy to be able to collaborate with such an important project for the population of Kangandala.